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Tools that benefit you!

What your workshop needs for success


S c h e d u l e

Stop worrying and automate your schedules

  • Customize agenda to the capacity of your bookings.

  • Automatic sending of confirmations and appointment reminders.

  • Reschedule and manage your bookings with simple steps.

R e c e p t i o n

The more trust your customers have, the better your business will do.

  • Give a personalized welcome to your customers.

  • Agile receptions that do not take time away from your clients.

  • You will have preloaded information.

  • Support all your work with images.

  • Receive automatic notifications.

  • Track the status of tasks.

car lift
car mechanics
Mechanical workshop
Technical Service
tire change


Support in images or videos of your work
  • Leave no room for confusion.

  • Give confidence to your client.

  • Images of receptions and work carried out by the workshop.

C u s t o m e r   H i s t o r y

Keep a history of each client and earn loyalty with them

  • Check the status of each vehicle and follow up.

  • Create alarms, reminders and notifications for your entire team.

  • Log of comments and works with identification of those responsible.


B u d g e t s

Increase your sales through friendly budgets

  • Detailed and customizable digital budgets for your requirements.

  • Photographic support of what you are budgeting.

  • Digital approval or rejection of quotes.

P l a n n e r

Keep an order of all the jobs you have

  • Digital record of pending jobs.

  • Notifications between internal users and with clients.

  • Assignment of jobs by role according to priority settings.


C a l e n d a r

So that nothing is forgotten and you keep everything in order

  • Production planning calendars / daily deliveries.

  • Events calendar that allows internal communication and reminders.

A n a l y t i c s 

Identify where you can easily improve

  • Analytics of each process.

  • Identify workshop bottlenecks.

  • Possibility of exporting to excel sheets.


C u s t o m e r   M a n a g e m e n t

Simplify and automate tasks with Control Car

  • Post-service satisfaction surveys.

  • Notifications with interactive response during the post-sale process.

  • Let ControlCar automatically contact your customers for their next service.

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